AI security – savior or accident waiting to happen?!

AI security – savior or accident waiting to happen?!

Wednesday, November 6, 2024 1:30 PM to 1:50 PM · 20 min. (Europe/Amsterdam)
Theater session


The keynotes of the likes of Microsoft, Google and Apple can all be summarized in 10 words: “A.I., A.I., A.I., Large Language Model, A.I., A.I., GPT, A.I. …“, so no doubt artificial intelligence holds a promise for the future. But what promise? Will A.I. save use or doom us? Or is it too soon to tell?

With the invention of the car, the car accident, vehicle man slaughter and the getaway car were also invented, as well as the police car and motorized ambulances. How does this apply to artificial intelligence?

What is the current state of A.I., what does it mean to our perception of the truth, and can it help us make the world more secure? How do classical security measures apply to the A.I. world, where do they fall short, and can we expect new or improved measures with the help of A.I.? Spoiler: yes, they do, and yes, we can.

In this talk, Frank will look at the A.I. wave from his unique and down to earth perspective. And hopefully you will walk away with a better understanding of AI in the context of (cyber) security.

Wednesday November 6
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