The Future can’t wait

The Future can’t wait

Thursday, November 7, 2024 1:05 PM to 1:25 PM · 20 min. (Europe/Amsterdam)
Theater session


If there is something constant in the universe, that’s speed of light. And change. Change is a constant in today’s world. We are living through times where the present is leaving us... every single second. These are times where present is already past and the need to adapt and adopt new and emerging technologies has become instrumental for success. Organizations are being pressed with time-to-market issues while, in reality, they should a have time-to-value perspective. In an epoch where technology is pervasive and you can hardly find businesses that do not depend on technology, we have to face change as one critical variable in the planning of enterprise strategy. Because we have something crystal clear: that the going to change. We have to capture the present realizing that it has already become past and that the next business iteration has already happened, whether we like it or not.

By attending this session, the attendee will enhance her/his perception on the importance of time when designing, planning and executing a business strategy. The difference between strategy and tactics will be mentioned as well as the need of adapting to change in a world with no secrets, no barriers, no frontiers. The attendee will gain a deeper understanding on the issues of adaptability, trustability and reliability and, more importantly, will discover that we are living in the future. The Future of NOW.

Thursday November 7
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