Bridges, Not Band-aids: Collaborative Solutions to Counter Hybrid Attacks on Hearts, Minds, and Democracy

Bridges, Not Band-aids: Collaborative Solutions to Counter Hybrid Attacks on Hearts, Minds, and Democracy

Wednesday, November 6, 2024 12:40 PM to 1:00 PM · 20 min. (Europe/Amsterdam)
Theater session


In today’s world, hybrid threats no longer target only our systems—they target our hearts, minds, and democracy itself. Whether we like it or not, private companies and public institutions are now on the same side, facing a shared mission to protect our society from these evolving dangers. Cybercrime plays a pivotal role in this landscape, acting both as a facilitator and a disguised tool of hybrid attacks. This presentation will provide an overview of how hybrid threats impact the private sector and challenge our current understanding of security partnerships. It will offer a new vision for collaboration—one that goes beyond protecting systems and focuses on safeguarding democracy and trust – a presentation that offers a new view for everyone interested in our digital society.

Wednesday November 6
Products & Services
Cybersecurity strategy